To design a connected and interactive environment that accommodates a users ability to hand off a singular digital experience between multiple devices. The devices entails an Amazon Echo, a mobile app, the conceptualization of an as-yet Alexa infused product and an additional digital form.

A wizard of oz video of the multi-modal experience and an all encompassing case study.



If you are struggling with creating quality time with your children in this booming world of technology, allow Imagine with Alexa to make it easier.


The research methods I utilized were concept and usability testing. I asked a set of questions to get an understanding of how my users would feel about my product and once I had my initial prototypes I tested to see how my users interacted with the interface. 


I was able to have seven participants answer my concept-testing questions which was able to give me insight as to how my potential market may feel towards the experience that I was creating.

“I think my child would love it if Alexa could read her stories, it would make it more special.”

“I mean, it sounds cool but I think it might be confusing with all of these different devices.”

“If this gives me the ability to digitally save all of my children’s drawings I would love it!”

Having done the concept testing helped me validate the direction I was taking with my project. I was also able to use the suggestions I received about the features the app should have to create my initial app screens.



Leah Buley

28 years old

Leah spends her mornings drinking her coffee and prepping her sons lunch before dropping him off at childcare. She works for a startup marketing company and her husband works from home as a stock investor. On her free time she enjoys scrap booking her family’s pictures and going on walks with the family dog.

GOALS: To be able to capture the memories as the years go by.

NEEDS: To have continuous cherishable moments with her child.




Imagine with Alexa is here to give you the ability to not only capture your children’s drawings but also allows you to turn their favorite ones into its own storytelling experience. Imagine with Alexa will produce a book with complimentary illustrations to your child’s character along with a written out and narrated story that both you and your child will be able to view together on the Alexa Projector for years to come. 

Want to provide a fun and creative experience for your child? Imagine with Alexa can help you create a memorable experience for both you and your child. 

Imagine with Alexa captures creativity and enhances family time. 

One of the most memorable aspects about raising a child includes seeing their scribbles turn into some of the most unique and beautiful drawings that make you want to cherish them forever. Imagine with Alexa is here to give you the ability to not only capture your child’s drawings but also allows you to turn their favorite ones/characters into its own storytelling experience. Imagine with Alexa will produce a book with complimentary illustrations to your child’s character along with a written out and narrated story that both you and your child will be able to view on the Alexa Projector. 

Having your child embrace their handiwork and be proud of what they created is vital to their upbringing. We want to make sure that children have the understanding that they have the ability to make something beautiful and that is why providing this experience is important to us. We have made this ability possible through a team of illustrators that are able to add their illustrative and storytelling touch to your child’s character in order to create a narrative. 

After being inspired by her younger sister’s unique creations, Suzi Amin decided to create an ability for children to get even more excited from the outcome of their creative endeavors. She said that, “Seeing children create these incredibly unique and quirky drawings inspired me to make it even more special to both the children and their parents. Imagine with Alexa allows for delightfully creative adventures that will be remembered for years and years to come. 

To get started, you need to do is make sure you have both the Amazon Alexa and the Alexa Projector, as well as the Imagine with Alexa app downloaded on the devices for both you and your child. Once your child has finished drawing their character, have them name their character and submit their work through the app, and within a few days the Amazon Alexa will inform you that your child’s book is ready to be viewed! In order to start the experience all you need to say is “Alexa Projector, read me “insert name of character”” and the storytelling experience will begin! 

“I loved seeing my child’s excitement when we submitted her character to be turned into a book! With the Alexa Projector we were able to come together as a family to watch Eliza’s little dragon come to life! Eliza was so thrilled to see the adventure her dragon went on that we have ordered the physical copy of the book as well!” -Mary Ellis, a delighted user of the Imagine with Alexa product. 

All you have to do is download the “Imagine with Alexa” app on your mobile device along with the device you would like your child to draw on, and your child can let their creativity flow! Amazon Alexa and Alexa Projector are here to make this a memorable and adventurous experience for both you and your child! 




Imagine with Alexa Component Table_Suzi Amin - Page 1.jpeg



The testing I was able to conduct on the interface of my apps was very helpful. I was able to breakdown all of the different elements that were and were not helping my app through the feedback I got, whether it was removing an entire screen or making sure certain elements were large enough for all users to easily press. I ended up removing my “upload” screen since the option to upload drawings to be turned into a book was already present through another screen where it made more sense for it to be. Another stumble that my users had was on the profile and whether it was the parents profile or the child’s, so I had to implement a more easily understandable design. 

As for the child’s app my users were all adults except for one, all of the adults thought the layout was really nice and simple with just the mention of a few minor changes. As for the child I tested on, she thought the layout was really cool. 



3/3 Users wanted more out of the home page. 

2/3 Users wanted more clarification on the profile page.

2/3 Users were confused about the upload page on the parent app. 

3/3 Users enjoyed the overall concept of product and liked the children’s Imagine with Alexa app.