Refugee aid
To develop an original concept for a digital product that solves a current market need. It should include a unique digital brand palette and user interface pattern library.
A fully fledged out concept with an in depth case study.
It can be difficult to try to make an impactful difference when you’re dealing with a global crisis.
The research methods I utilized were concept and usability testing. I asked a set of questions to get an understanding of how my users would feel about my product and once I had my initial prototypes I tested to see how my users interacted with the interface.
I was able to have seven participants answer my concept-testing questions which was able to give me insight as to how my potential market may feel towards the experience that I was creating.
“I think my child would love it if Alexa could read her stories, it would make it more special.”
“I mean, it sounds cool but I think it might be confusing with all of these different devices.”
“If this gives me the ability to digitally save all of my children’s drawings I would love it!”
Having done the concept testing helped me validate the direction I was taking with my project. I was also able to use the suggestions I received about the features the app should have to create my initial app screens.
Jenika Stone
31 years old
Jenika takes a morning run before heading off to work at a startup for women. She enjoys reading at her favorite local coffee shop at least twice a week to get a break from the world. Her moto is all about creating such as buying products that are clean for the environment.
GOALS: To be a part of something that is actively improving in order to make the process of helping efficient and beneficial.
NEEDS: To have a sense of satisfaction that her actions are making a difference in the world.
Refugee Aid is an app that will provide the opportunity to those who are seeking to make a positive impact on the world, it will allow users to easily contribute to the ongoing refugee crisis. It has been created for the purpose of relaying the refugee crisis as a local issue in which anyone can contribute to compared to a global problem which can seem out of our reach.
Helping local refugees, has just become easier!
Refugee Aid has been created for the purpose of making a positive difference in the lives of those who have been traveling in pursuit of a better life. Those wanting to make a direct difference in the world can now help out the refugees in their local area that are in need of everyday essentials.
This app also makes the process for those that are working behind Refugee Aid much more efficient. It makes the process of donations much more organized. The majority of places that take in donations tend to have to deal with a lot of items that are not appropriate to pass on, Refugee Aid gets rid of that problem and has been created with the purpose of making it easy on everyone to use.
Refugee Aid will allow those that would like to contribute to not only look up statistics about refugees that are in their area but also those that are on their way in. Users that want to help with the refugee cause can see information about what supplies refugees need, along with other ways they can help such as donating money, volunteering, and creating a campaign. This app will provide those who would like to help the tools to take action towards the cause and allows them to see the impact they are making locally. As said by the founder, “Refugee Aid has been created to help those that have been through a tough journey and need all the help they can get, it was created to make a positive change in the world.”
All you have to do in order to make a difference is, download the Refugee Aid app and input your zip code to see the statistics of the refugees in your area or those that are coming to your area. Then tapping on how to help will provide different options for how you can make a difference to the life of a refugee.
One of our users has said “Refugee Aid has allowed me to make a difference in the lives of those that are less fortunate than mine, the opportunity has left a positive imprint in my life which I will continue to build upon.”
We have the power to make the difference in the world and this is a local start. We can be the change we want to see in the world, and this app can help you do that.
press release
card sorts
Overall, my app changed a lot from its beginning stages. I used feedback from seven card sorts that I conducted in order to decide how I should configure my app. Throughout designing I made sure to get opinions from my peers to confirm my design decisions. And once I completed my prototype I had five testers go through it and browse every part while I recorded their facial and bodily engagement. Three of my users mentioned how they appreciated color palette choices and thought it complimented my concept really well. One of my testers suggested that I add a share button in certain areas of my app which would help connect others with the app. There was an issue with my screens not fitting the mobile interface, so that slightly took away from the experience of my app. That was what each one of my users brought up for what they would change in my app. Other than that, my users picked up on a few issues with my designs which were text boxes that I forgot to round, along with some inconsistencies with the HIG. As for further feedback, I was told it would be beneficial if I had headers throughout different screens in the app so that my users understand where they are. And also, to incorporate a more engaging way to show which buttons are being actively used.
4/5 Users enjoyed the clean layout.
3/5 Users wanted the typography to be larger.
2/5 Users wanted more clarification as to what exactly you could donate.
5/5 Users were interested in the concept of the product.
Ipad screens
Ipad screen redesigN
For my Ipad screen designs I got suggestions on how I should better use the larger screen space provided as well as a better use of hierarchy. I did redesign two of the ipad screens while incorporating the feedback I received
PROJECT retrospective
The most challenging part of creating an original product was having to create every single aspect of it. And also, not having a competitor to compare my work to or improve on what already existed. What I enjoyed the most was being able to create a tool that could help improve the world and that could help others.
The difference in my approach for designing for mobile rather than the desktop was simplifying it much more and getting straight to the point. I didn’t want the interface to be overwhelming or hard to maneuver for the user. It was important not to have extra information displayed.
The challenges I faced when prototyping and testing my mobile product was making it actually fit on the mobile screen. For some reason I was having technical issues even though the screens were the correct size and the settings fit the size as well. I just had to mess with the settings and test what worked and what didn’t to make it fit correctly.
I definitely thought creating a mobile app was much easier compared to creating a website for the desktop. Even though the process was exactly the same, creating an app was much simpler when it came to the actual interface. Desktops tend to display much more information and more options for the user.
As for focusing on an original concept, functionality, and aesthetic I made sure to take advantage of user testing and resources. I asked many people for their opinions and based my designs off of what would make it easy for my user. I also used resources such as the Apple HIG, charity websites, and also department store websites for certain parts of my app.